

Backroads Indiana author Wendell Trogdon describes Cuba as a “thriving little community, but went downhill when the railroads were located elsewhere, creating new towns.” Cuba, located in Owen County, was laid out in 1851. It was originally called Santa Fe. The community had a post office from June 18, 1851 until December 31, 1909. According Ronald Baker in From Needmore to Prosperity, the town was renamed Cuba “apparently for the island.”

William Hart opened the first general store. In the late nineteenth century the community also had a blacksmith, chair factory, a school, and several churches. Today, Cuba Baptist Church sits near the intersection of Old Cuba Road and Cuba Road.

So, this sure isn't the communist country in the Caribbean, but instead a charming community in Owen County! Also, Indiana is lucky enough to have two Cubas! Globetrotting Indiana is looking forward to stopping by Cuba in Allen County in the future!


  • Baker, Ronald L. From Needmore to Prosperity: Hoosier place names in folklore and history. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. Print.
  • Historical Landmarks Foundation of Indiana. Owen County: Interim Report. Indiana historical sties and structures inventory. Indianapolis: Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, 1994. Print.
  • Owen County Historical and Genealogical Society. County of Owen, Indiana: historical and biographical, illustrated, indexed. Spencer, Ind.: Owen Historical and Geneaalogical Society, 1995. Print.
  • Trogdon, Wendell. Backroads Indiana. Evanston, Ill.: Highlander Press, 1994. Print.

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