

Egypt Road was one of Jasper County’s pioneer trails and part of an old stagecoach route. Egypt the village was located along this route. Today a country road, which is spilt by I-65, bears the name Egypt Road. The Welsh cemetery is all that remains from the village. The cemetery is located just south of SR 16 along Egypt Road.

One of my more interesting moments while globetrotting Indiana occurred in Egypt. While turning around at an interaction I noticed a llama in a small fenced-in pasture staring directly at me. I did not think much of it and proceeded back up the road and parked to take a picture of an Egypt Road sign, which happened to be located right near the corner of that pasture. After taking a quick photo, I turned back to get into my car. Then I noticed the llama running directly to me at what I presumed to be full speed. Having no idea what the llama was going to do, I quickly jumped in my car. Yes, I was charged by a llama in Egypt.

I snapped this picture of the llama from inside my car. Judge for yourself if you think he was overly protective or welcoming.

(2002). Jasper County: Interim report. [Indianapolis: Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana].

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